No entrepreneur starts their business hoping to be average. Every business owner wants to be as successful as possible – if they didn’t, they’d never have the ambition to start a real business in the first place!

But how do you ensure success?

Is it even possible to know without doubt that you’ll be successful?

In this episode of the Profit Cleaners, Brandon Schoen shares a simple formula for success, one that you can start using right now so that you can ensure that success is inevitable. This 4-step formula for success includes:

  • Recognizing potential
  • Taking massive action
  • Tracking results
  • Building confidence

As you follow this simple formula, you can use visualization to reinforce the certainty of success.

Tune in now and learn how you can be more confident so that you can take more action – and be even more successful. Double down on your business and explode in 2023!


  • Self Confidence vs. Self Doubt
  • Visualization: Making Results in Your Head
  • Success Formula #1: Start with Potential
  • Success Formula #2: Take Massive Action
  • Success Formula #3: Start Creating Results
  • Success Formula #4: Believe to Build Confidence


Profit Cleaners does not claim or guarantee income or success in any way. Examples shown on Profit Cleaners training, resources, or sales materials are not an indication of your future success or earnings. You should not assume that you will achieve the same or similar results achieved by Brandon Condrey | Brandon Schoen, or any of our customers. Your results will be determined by many factors, including but not limited to work ethic, ability to learn, previous experience, business network, and market conditions.


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Apple Podcast:
Book mentioned: The ABCs of Success: The Essential Principles from America’s Greatest Prosperity Teacher

Episode 105: Your 4-Step Success Formula

Brandon Schoen:
Self-doubt is a progressive illness. When you refuse to risk and try confidence building projects, you begin the downward spiral of rejecting growth opportunities unsettling instead of the safety net, instead for the safety net of life. So guys, by avoiding the risk, by avoiding the opportunities you have and not taking action, and you're settling for the safety net of life. So the pattern is the safety net syndrome. Just think about it. When's the last time you tried something you've never done before? When were you last exposed to some growth opportunity? And by taking some risk and succeeding, you create that pattern of stretching your ability and increasing your knowledge about your skill level.

Grow your cleaning business, make more money, have more time. This is the Profit Cleaners podcast with your host Brandon Condrey and Brandon Schoen.

Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Profit Cleaners. The only place where you can learn from the top 1% of cleaning business owners from around the world to take it to the next level and win. Guys, welcome to the show today. I'm Brandon Shane. So excited you're here and I just wanted to share some knowledge,

some wisdom with you guys on today's show. Just gonna be a quick show. But I wanted to expound more upon something we were talking about in the last podcast, which basically what it boils down to guys, is how do you create certainty? And so just gonna do a quick podcast today, kind of some inspiration for you guys. We haven't done one of these in a while,

but I was reading this morning and I got just this nugget of wisdom and it reminded me of something that I've actually learned many, many years ago from one of my success coaches, Anthony Robbins. And it's all about how do you create certainty and really how do you become a star at anything in your life, right? And so I wanna start out by just reading a passage in this book and then I'm gonna dive into it more.

But it's really fascinating guys. It's gonna be a real short talk, but I think you're gonna be super inspired by this and it's gonna help you guys to realize your full potential. Take the right action, get the results you're starting to look for in your life, and finally build up that belief and that confidence, which is gonna help you to get to the next level and win,

guys. So, so let me just start out by reading this. It's in a book called The ABCs of Success by Bob Proctor. Thought this was a great segue into what we're talking about today. So it says, to be self-confident, all you need is information. Look at it this way. If you do something well 5,000 times, you know you can do it,

therefore, you are confident. So if you've never done it before, you don't know. So without knowledge, you doubt. And that's what it comes down to. Without knowledge, you doubt. And so self-doubt is a progressive illness. When you refuse to risk and try confidence building projects, you begin the downward spiral of rejecting growth opportunities and settling instead of the safety net,

instead for the safety net of life. So guys, by avoiding the risk, by avoiding the opportunities you have and not taking action, you're settling for the safety net of life. So the pattern is the safety net syndrome. Just think about it. When's the last time you tried something you've never done before? When were you last exposed to some growth opportunity?

And by taking some risk and succeeding, you create that pattern of stretching your ability and increasing your knowledge about your skill level. And then finally, in closing, if you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life with confidence you have won even before you started. A great part of courage is the courage of having done that thing before.

So we gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. And we must do that, which we think we cannot wanna hear all the latest news from Profit Cleaners. First, wanna make sure you don't miss out on our next courses and some amazing discounts. We'll be sure to follow at Profit Cleaners on Instagram and sign up for our emails on Profit Cleaners dot com.

So guys, this was just inspiring to me because you know, sometimes when you're doing business, when you're doing something new, when you're learning a new skill, that doubt creeps in, right? And you feel that doubt, it's like a mindset shift. You gotta be able to shift that mindset. And so just thinking that way, reading books like this kind of stuff is gonna help change that mindset.

But something I wanted to share with you, which is kind of like a, a structure of thinking this way, that I've actually used this for years and years and years. I was thinking about, this is probably even 10 years ago that I first learned this and it's stuck with me until this day right now that I'm sharing with you guys. So this is from Anthony Robbins.

In his terms, he says, this is why the rich get richer. And this is exactly how anyone can become a star at anything, okay? And so it's a very simple, there's four things. If you wanna write these down, write 'em down guys, or just visualize them in your head. For example, if you look at anyone who's great at anything,

an Olympic athlete, an NBA star, an NFL football player, somebody who's great at what they do, they're the best. They're the master at what they do. And Tony was saying when Anthony Robbins, he was saying is, you don't have to change your potential and you don't have to take more action. What you need to do is make results in your head.

You have to create certainty essentially. So when I thought about this, I was like, yeah, he's totally right. If you ever look at an Olympic athlete before they go down the track, like visualize like a, like a snowboarder or a skier or somebody who's about to do a race, they're closing their eyes usually, and you can see them like moving and like doing the race in their mind,

right? They're visualizing and they're creating certainty in their minds. And so as entrepreneurs, as a business owner, you have to be great at creating that certainty in your mind and creating those results in advance. And this is so huge guys. So one of the things I said in the last podcast that brought this up was you can either have success in one of two ways.

This is what Anthony Robbins says. You can either put your back against the wall, which means burn all these ships, like go all in, don't dabble, go all in. And like there's no way that it cannot work. There's zero options. It has to work, right? So that's one way to do it with a big reason why I'm going all in.

The second way to do it is visualize the results in advance, visualize results, and create certainty in advance. So by your brain subconsciously seeing those results, it creates certainty. Cuz your brain doesn't know the difference between conscious reality and subconscious reality. So it's not a trick, guys, but this is a formula for success. We don't want shortcuts, we don't want tricks.

We want what's actually gonna work. And I'm telling you right now that this works. I've done it for myself for years and years and years. Here's the process, here's the flow. Okay? So this is what Anthony Robbins was teaching some entrepreneurs, and this was like again, 10 years ago, but it still works to this day. So number one,

you start with potential. Everyone's got the same potential, right? You and I have the same potential. Really everybody in the world has the same potential. So what's the difference between us and the top performers and the masters of something at some skillset in the world? Well the the difference is creating that, that mindset shift, right? Creating those results in advance and having that certainty so you can create that certainty by practicing and getting better and learning.

But it's like we said in the beginning, it's knowledge. It's knowledge. And doing something over and over and over again like builds that confidence. So unlimited potential, we all start with unlimited potential. That's number one. Okay? So potential number two is massive action. So we all have the same potential. How you start setting yourself apart and winning is massive action.

Okay? Action literally is the cure for every negative feeling that you've ever had. As soon as you start taking action, it cures it all. It makes you feel better, it creates momentum, it creates so many positive things. So guys, action, massive action is huge. As soon as you start taking massive action, what you start creating is results.

It doesn't matter if it's big results, small results, the point is you're getting momentum, okay? So taking that massive action and going as fast as and hard as you can at whatever you're trying to accomplish creates those results once you get those results. Big or small? The last one, that was the third one, those results. The very last one is belief.

Okay? So now we've gotten to the fourth one, belief. Once you create that belief in your mind, it reinforces that certainty, right? Because you've seen the results now and now you have more belief. That belief grows with that momentum that you've just built by taking action, right? So that's the cycle, guys. It's really simple potential. We all have the unlimited potential.

Once you create those results and that certainty in your mind and you visualize it, that's why visualization is so important, guys. You should be visualizing your success when you wake up, when you go to sleep, like when you're cleaning, like whatever you're doing during the day, when you're working it, you're building your business. Visualize success, visualize what it would feel like to be even more successful,

to have even more business, to be doing the ultimate version of what you wanna be doing, right? Visualize that success, take action, start doing it. Over time, you're gonna have results, you're gonna build more results. And as you see more results, it's gonna build your belief, which is gonna build on that certainty. And the more certainty you have,

just like we were reading in that book, the more certainty you have, the more action you're gonna take. It's a cycle. It's like an upward spiraling cycle of goodness and success and abundance. It's really just these four things, guys. We all have that unlimited potential. You take that action, you build results, and you get results and you build that belief.

So it's really simple guys, but this is how anybody can become a star. This is how you can become a star with your business right now, wherever you're at with your cleaning business, your service business. Like guys, just remember this formula for success. I know it's gonna help you guys. It's been a huge help for me over the years.

And just going back to the what we read in the very beginning, guys, that confidence comes from with that knowledge, right? So that's why we have the Profit Cleaners podcast. That's why we share this stuff with you guys because that knowledge and that information gives you confidence. When we very first started the cleaning business, we did not know exactly what we were doing,

right? We didn't have all of that knowledge and all of that confidence, but by visualizing it in our mind, by seeing it, it was possible. It helped us to see the end result where we wanted to go with it. It helped us to take the right action, right? Because we were focused and we were excited, and we were inspired by visualizing that certainty and seeing it in our minds,

right? So we were able to go take that action and start creating results. And those results built one after the other, after the other, built our belief. Now we can go take more action, do it all over again. It's just a cycle, guys, rinse and repeat. So that's it for today, guys. I just wanna share that little nugget with you.

I thought it was great wisdom. That's also guys why we do what we do. We want to just instill wisdom and knowledge and give you guys the information it's gonna take to help build that confidence so you guys can go execute and take action on building your business. So I know we've been mentioning it, guys, but if you're interested, reach out.

Hello at Profit Cleaners dot com. We've got a new program we're putting together to help entrepreneurs like you guys. So if you're out there hustling, if you're building a business already, if you're looking to start a business, a cleaning business, we can help you out. We're doing it ourselves and we'd love to help you guys out. So reach out the new program,

the coaching's gonna be out here real soon, but l, message us if you guys are interested. Hello, at Profit Cleaners dot com, follow us on social media, you know, and all the places out there. We're out there posting stuff, but guys, we're about to get way more into it. It's exciting. We're jumping into this year with full force going ahead,

full steam and taking lots of action on expansion and these new businesses. So we'll be sharing that wisdom and that knowledge and information with you guys so you can be more confident and you can go out and take that same action, double down on your business and just explode your results and your success in 2023. So I'm excited for you guys. Thank you for being here today.

I hope this inspired you. I hope this uplifted you. And if it did, guys like the show, subscribe to the podcast, leave us a review, help us out. That'd be awesome. And until next time, guys, keep it clean. Thanks for joining us today. To get more info, including show notes, updates, trainings, and super cool free stuff,

head over to Profit Cleaners dot com and remember, keep it clean.

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