Ready to sharpen your leadership skills?

Join us in our latest podcast episode where we delve into the essence of visionary leadership, strategic planning, and team empowerment.

This is a behind-the-scenes look of the weekly coaching calls we have with our current Profit Cleaners’ students!

Learn the ropes of dominating the online market, handling tough cleaning scenarios, and crafting an exceptional client experience. From hostage negotiation insights to structuring your life and business like a pro, we cover it all.

Get ready for a leadership makeover— tune in now!


Profit Cleaners does not claim or guarantee income or success in any way. Examples shown on Profit Cleaners training, resources, or sales materials are not an indication of your future success or earnings. You should not assume that you will achieve the same or similar results achieved by Brandon Condrey | Brandon Schoen, or any of our customers. Your results will be determined by many factors, including but not limited to work ethic, ability to learn, previous experience, business network, and market conditions.


  • Emphasis on preparing for success in the coming year.
  • Discussion on the importance of seeing and structuring in leadership.
  • Leaders see, hear, and express love for team members.
  • Critical questions about activities’ value, reasonableness, outcome, and consistency.
  • Dealing with increased business and the need to turn down clients.
  • Balancing profitability, pricing, and fair payment when expanding a cleaning business.
  • Importance of referrals and reaching out to existing customers for recommendations.
  • Strategies to dominate the market, including optimizing Google Ads, local service ads, and creating a strong online presence.
  • Delegating marketing tasks to experts and focusing on being present across various platforms for better market dominance.
  • Insights on doing estimates and learning from past experiences.
  • Background checks when hiring and recommended services.
  • Addressing challenges with pet odors and sticky floors, customer communication, and the importance of honesty.
  • Encouragement to hire and empower teams for business growth.


For questions, reach out to
Course: How to Create a Thriving Cleaning Business in 8 Weeks

Apple Podcast:

Episode 130: Behind The Scenes: Profit Cleaners’ Weekly Group Coaching Call

Grow your cleaning business, make more money, have more time. This is the Profit Cleaners podcast with your host, Brandon Condrey and Brandon Schoen,

Brandon Schoen:
What's going on everybody? We're getting this coaching call started for November 30th, so bear with me for just a second while we get everything set up here. Hope you guys had an awesome Thanksgiving. By the way,

if you wanna share anything in the chat when we open it up, some wins you had for Thanksgiving or something you're thankful for. But yeah, welcome to the call guys. We're gonna let everyone hop on. We're gonna get Brandon Conran here and we've got a great call for you guys today and we're gonna kick it off, kick off the new year.

Actually gonna kick it off a little bit early. So you make Brandon a panelist here. Welcome everybody. You've got Andrew, you got Angel, John, Lacey, Tyler, welcome everybody to the call. Keep in mind guys, these are always recorded. So if you guys miss these calls or if you have questions, just send 'em in ahead of time,

send 'em to the group, send 'em to the email at hello at Profit Cleaners and we'll get 'em answered for you guys. Kudos to you guys for being here. 'cause you guys are the ones taking action if you guys are here on the calls. Another thing, let's see here, Brandon declined panelist. All right, lemme try that again. Another thing is guys,

we're gonna be doing probably and considering doing another call, I gotta talk to Brandon Corby still more, but another call like at a different time. So if you guys have maybe a later evening time or something that might work better, we might consider doing that. I've had a few of you reach out and see if we could do that. So what's going on?

Brandon? Corby in the house. There we go. Should be able to hear me here now I can hear you. Awesome man. How you doing man? How's your Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving was good. Got a boatload of snow this morning. Had to bust out the snowblower for the first time. Oh, that's pretty cool. You guys got a bunch of snow up in Los Alamos.

We didn't get any on Angel fire, but I know we had like a two hour delay in Albuquerque or Santa Fe. Wasn't that Ray Brandon? Santa Fe was bad. I think Albuquerque just got rain, so I think Albuquerque was okay. I didn't start snowing until six, so the kids started at the normal time, but the school bus didn't show up.

Oh shoot. Yeah, so I drove the kids to school. Who knows where the bus was? You gotta make me host so I can Oh yeah, chat and stuff. Gotcha. Here, let's see here. Where did you go? You're a panelist. Okay. All right. Brandon is now a host. Guys, we're gonna open up the chat here in just a minute,

but before we get too much more into the q and a and helping you guys with what you're going through this week in your business, I just wanted to first of all just tell you guys we're so thankful for you. Thank you guys for being here. Thank you guys for taking action with us, growing your businesses, and just wanna say thank you for the opportunity to be working together.

It's a lot of fun being in these masterminds together. We learn a lot, as much as you guys do, just, you know, learning what everyone's doing. And so one of the things I wanted to talk about real quick before we dive into that and the q and a was just some notes that I had just talking about preparing to dominate in the coming year,

which is something that a lot of people kind of put off until New Year's and they put off until January and they kinda, everyone takes some time off during these holidays, which is great. Absolutely you wanna do that, but also do what other people are unwilling to do, right? So one of the things you should be thinking about doing is maybe instead of waiting till New Year's to write your goals,

start thinking about how you can dominate in the coming year right now and don't wait. So I just wanted to spend a few minutes here, guys, feel free to take notes, watch the replay. But I'm just gonna just give you guys some inspiration, some motivation for what you can do to dominate in 20 23, 20 24. This is, I'm sorry, 23, 20, 24,

sorry, we're, I don't even know what year it is sometimes that's what day is it? But yeah, 20, 24 guys. So how can we dominate in 2024? And this is something you should, again every year you can be doing, but do it ahead of time. Do it before everyone else is doing it. Hit the gas when everyone's slowing down is the idea so that you can be ahead of the game when everyone's on the sidelines kind of being like what's going on?

So people are gonna be retracting in the coming years and you need to just make the decision right now that you're gonna dominate, you're gonna dominate with your business, you're gonna dominate in your market, you're gonna do whatever it takes to win. So how do you produce these kinda results? And how do you go from like nothing to something, right? And so the biggest thing,

we talked about this last week on our coaching call guys, but it takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams. Okay? I'll say that again. It takes leaders with vision to help people with dreams, leadership and business. If you guys are own the owner of your business, you are the leader of your business. Same thing with your family,

same thing with your face, same thing with your friends, same thing with the people that you're around if you're a leader. So you have to start thinking differently. And dreaming is what starts it all. The more you repeat it, the more you dream. This is why we talk about, especially on entrepreneurship, constant visualization of your dreams, right?

Constantly replaying what it is that you're envisioning for your future, right? And so the more you repeat it, the more it becomes real. So when you have an original thought, it creates space in the universe that didn't exist before. And your thoughts are like magnets. There's the famous Napoleon Hill quote that he says, thoughts become things right? So your thoughts are very important and what you focus on becomes real.

It expand whatever you focus on. So you have to have a specific vision. It must be repeatable. It's the same vision during tough times, especially during tough times. And in a down economic season, you know, this is especially even more important when people are getting scared, they're fearful, they have all these emotions. You don't wanna get emotional in business,

you wanna stay neutral and you wanna keep taking action. So constantly taking action. You probably guys have probably heard Brandon and I talk about it on the podcast, the Pareto principle or it's widely known out there in the world, but the Pareto principle is known as the 80 20 rule. So this is a theory maintaining that 80% of the output from a given situation or system is determined by 20% of the input.

So focus on the 20% that moves the needle. So a lot of us that are still cleaning or working in the business, that's not the 20% that's gonna move us forward. So we gotta start thinking about what are the things that are actually gonna move the business forward? And so two words, I just wanna touch on two verbs I guess we could talk about real quick.

Number one is seeing, and number two is structure. So we'll talk about seeing real quick. Every single person has a dream. Every single person in your company, all of your employees including yourself obviously, but every single person has a dream. It might be to feel better, it might be to become a millionaire. We all are wired with dreams,

that's just how we're wired, I suppose. So leaders, if you're a leader, you're the CEO of your life, CEO of your business, you must have the vision to help those people inside your company. And then we talked about this last week, but casting a vision so big that other people can see their dreams fitting inside your vision. So if you wanna dominate in 2024,

you have to be constantly seeing what you want and your mind moves to what you're most familiar with. So think about it for a set guys, NASCAR drivers, they're told not to look at the wall, they start spinning out. And this is how professional NASCAR drivers are trained. When they start spinning and they start spinning out in the train, they're actually trained to look not to the wall,

but keep looking forward, right? So because that's where their hands will steer. And so a lot of people, what will happen is they'll start steering where they're turning and then that's how they spin off and fly off the road. So as a leader, you gotta remember to keep looking back at where you're going and not look at the wall because that's where you're gonna veer off and make a major mistake.

So again, like we said earlier, thoughts are physical, they're magnets the world. Social media, media will try to get you to look at the wall. That's what it's constantly trying to do. It's a big distraction. So your vision for your business, for your cleaning business, for what you're doing, it must be a big vision. It must be historic.

And a lot of us don't think of it that way. But think about it like that. If you start thinking like what we're doing and it's historic, we're gonna make history. That's something that people want to be part of, right? So if you say, our cleaning company's making history today, people wanna make history, right? Your vision must have a sense of historic in it.

So you need to think, I am changing or making history. We are changing our community, we're changing one experience at a time. So just think about it. For example, like when someone young dies, it makes you look at your own life and it makes you think, well time is renting out. So make it historic guys. We only have so much time on this earth.

So great leaders are gonna be able to get their people to act in the present by focusing on the future. So you have to hold that vision for your team to get them to act in the present. Okay? So when you're a leader, it means you're in front, you're seeing things that most people can't see, okay? So you need to tell them what you see and you need to constantly remind your team of that vision,

right? So create a sense of epic overachievement. Everybody is underestimating us. That might be the case right now. Say to yourself, let 'em watch us, let 'em watch us make history, right? You just gotta make that decision guys. So there's often a gap between ideals and actions and your level activity is always below your aspirations, which means that you need to have both be elevated,

right? Your ideals and your actions both need to be elevated. So by not choosing excellence, you've chosen to do the latter, which is to be normal and to just be mediocre. And so what we wanna do guys, is not be mediocre. We wanna strive to be excellent, we wanna be the best. So your vision as a leader will come down to one thing,

your ability to see people and you need to tell your teams this as much as you guys can. I see you, I hear you, I love you. Everybody wants to be seen. So your job as a leader is to see your people, see them and hear what they need and do what you can to serve them, right? It's actually an interesting factor,

hostage negotiators. When someone takes the hostage, there's a 2000% greater chance, 2000 times greater chance of releasing the hostage. If the hostage taker thinks you understand why they did it, I thought that was pretty interesting. So if they believe, if your team believes that you see them, it's gonna make a huge world of difference. So some of us are having issues with teams,

with hiring, keeping people around. Maybe they don't feel seen, maybe they don't feel like you care. So that's something to think about. So you need to see them, get them to believe that you see them. And so number one is learning big vision and use that vision to see people. Okay? And the other thing I wanna talk about other than seeing is the structure.

Okay? So the structure, think about your life and your company guys. So number one, you gotta become self-aware of yourself. Like think about when and during your day, are you having the best energy levels? When are you the most aware? When are you like working at your best? This is the time when you should probably have your meetings.

This is the time when you should probably structure the things where you have to get the most things done in the day to move that needle, right? Number two, what kind of distractions can derail you? You need to reduce or eliminate those distractions. And usually it's the same distractions, okay? So find out what those distractions are. If it's social media,

if it's checking email all the time, whatever those things are, get some structure in your life so you're not so distracted. So you can focus and do the 80 20, right? Number three is, are there time sucks? How can you avoid them or eliminate them? The things that you can eliminate and do this more. This is gonna help you guys so much to focus on your bigger goal and move your vision forward.

Spend most of your time on high impact activities. At times when you have the most high energy levels, that's when you should be spending your time to build your business, grow your business, do the 20% right? The 80 20, whatever the things that are gonna really grow your business. And then making decisions for next year. As you guys start to think about what you're gonna be doing in this coming year,

here's a few things that you can think about. Number one, you should be asking these kind of questions. Does this serve me? Number two, is it reasonable? Number three, does this get my outcome? And number four, is this consistent with my values and my standards? So if you guys ask those questions as you guys are planning out your year,

number one, does this serve me? Is it a meeting, is it an activity? Is it a purchase? Is it actually gonna serve you? Is it actually gonna help you go forward? Number two, is it reasonable? You need to have emotional control. Great leaders have emotional control, okay? Number three, does it get my outcome? You should have a vision for your day and you should have an outcome for your meeting.

When we started doing our EOS meetings every week, we have a major outcome every time we do those meetings, right? So it really, that structure alone was something that seriously helped our business. So those are the kind of things, that's a great example of it. Number four is this consistent with my value and my standards. So you might be asking,

do I need to bring in a partner? Should I take a two week break in Mexico or Cabo or something like that? Should we hire somebody new on the leadership team? Maybe you should get rid of this customer, I don't know. But you need to figure out what's consistent with your values and your standards. And then just going back to what we were saying earlier,

guys, your team will not let you help them if they don't believe you see them. Okay? So again, going back to just seeing your teams cast that vision, see your people, let them know that you see them, you care. And again, when they're feeling that guys, you guys are gonna be able to make tremendous progress with your business.

And if you wanna expand your company, again, you have to see your people. And the biggest part of growing a business, one of the biggest part is building your team, right? So we talk about it all the time. So business works when you see your people, if they quit on you, you gotta remember it's your fault. 99% of the time they think you failed to see them.

Okay? So just some high level notes. I had guys from getting myself ready for this next year, I just wanted to share those with you guys. So hopefully sparked some inspiration you guys as you're building your teams, as you're getting your vision. And just again, you guys remember that vision, something you should practice every day, right? Every morning when I get up,

I meditate and I see my vision and I focus on what I want in my life and I try to attract those things into my life. I do that same thing when I go to bed at night. And so if you guys aren't doing that on a daily basis, you guys aren't rehearsing your dream, your vision, your goals, it's gonna be hard to make that a reality.

So I would just say right now, take that action. Take the time to plan out your life, plan out your vision, and maybe your vision's too small. Maybe you're only thinking like six months out. Maybe you need to think five years, 10 years out, like way more. And really think what is your goal and your vision here and how can you see your people more and show them that vision?

So anyways guys, that's kind of the chat for today. I wanted to share with you Brandon, I don't know if you have anything else to add to that, but we can open up the chat, we can do some q and a here. Chat's open. So if anyone has any questions, cool, let us know. I wanna know who's keeping stats on hostage takers,

Which part of the, yeah, I don't know that Distracting that. That's an interesting stat for sure, man. I don't know. But it makes sense, you know like that if people are realizing you care and you're realizing why they did it, they would release the hostage. I thought that was pretty fascinating. So makes sense with your employees too,

you know, if they feel seen, they're probably gonna be more reasonable, easier to work with, easier to help you achieve your goals and achieve that excellence. So Yeah, no, all that was good stuff. I do think that in terms of planning for next year, now's a good time. Yeah, as opposed to a personal new year's resolution type thing of going to the gym more where people do that on January 1st and then it's a nightmare to be in a gym the first two weeks of January because everyone goes in there,

they all wanna work out. There's a lot of gyms that actually make that 80 20 rule. The Pareto principle, there's a lot of gyms that make 80% of their budget off of those like first two weeks of January and then everybody inevitably stops going, they don't adapt to the workout routine, everybody cancels. So, so now ahead of that, instead of trying to plan us on January 1st,

you've got five weeks left. Oh no I'm wrong, four weeks left in the year. So plan out what you want next year to look like. If you're following EOS, now is a good time to get your annual meetings scheduled, which you can do at the end of the year or at the beginning of next year. Cleaning, at least in our experience,

tends to slow down in the winter. New customer uptake tends to slow down. We don't like the existing customers we have, don't cancel. It's just that new ones coming on takes a little bit longer usually. So yeah, now's a good time to try and see what you can do to counteract this or planning out what you're gonna do in the spring.

What things you need to lay out. You need to start designing an ad campaign that's gonna launch in February. I'm speaking about this from the US perspective. I know that we have people from Australia that you know are in the group as well. It's warm there right now, so you're in busy season. We're the exact opposite. So yeah, Again guys,

the perfect opportunity, like first of all, there's no competition if you guys are doing these kind of things in the first place, the only competition is yourself. Especially like we noticed this during the pandemic, a lot of our competition was doing nothing, putting their head in the sand, like not taking action. And so during those hard times when people are fearful or even like hard economic times,

like we're kind of in a weird economy still, or again, just times of the year right now when people kind of take their foot off the gas, that's your cue to do the things that other people aren't doing right? And if you do the things that other people aren't doing and they're unwilling to do, that's how you're gonna achieve extraordinary results in your business and your life.

And I just thought this was cool too. I meant to put this in the notes in the talk, but during Pearl Harbor prior to the attack, the American military was ranked number 19 in the world won the America was attacked. I think it was December 7th Pearl Arbor. And within a few months the American military transformed into the greatest force on the planet.

Okay? So this is just a prime example guys of no matter where you are with your business, even if you're just starting out, even if you've taken a step back and taken some hits, you can make massive changes and established yourself as a dominating force if you do some things, if you take some action, right? This is what separates the great people from the mediocre is taking massive action and coupling that with your vision.

So if you have a vision that's gonna help motivate you and inspire you to take that action, but if you don't have that vision, if you're not constantly rehearsing that vision, seeing where you want to go, it's gonna be really hard to take that action. So again guys, just remember that massive action is gonna change your Tyler is, Tyler's got an interesting one here for you.

So okay, Tyler and Emily are new to the group. We have 15 recurring clients. Emily's doing the cleans herself right now as a solo cleaner. So we want to be able to hire but still maintain our same take home pay since it's our only source of income, we're not advertising because we can't take on any more on our own due to the size of the homes.

We're a thousand to 5,200 square feet. Those are huge and it's very tiring to do more than one in a day. So you're doing one house a day, but we could take on like more small homes, but that's not who reaches out to us. So how do we take the next step to hire someone, advertise and still stay afloat? So this is like a chicken or the egg problem.

So you want more clients, you're not advertising, you can't take more clients because you need to have Cleaners to be able to take 'em on. So what I would do first if it was me, is hire someone now take the hit on the personal pay. It's your only source of income, it's gonna be uncomfortable. Being an entrepreneur is uncomfortable. So you either gotta raise some funds,

borrow some money from some friends and family to be able to float, you know, paying this cleaner while they learn it. So you gotta train the cleaner. So you're gonna take him out with you, train the cleaner simultaneously if you could swing it, advertise, hey we have a new team launching on this date. It's three weeks from now, it's four weeks from now,

whatever it is. You know like we're beloved in full and we always have to turn business down but now we can take it on. And then you wait list people. So you put people on a wait list, hey we're starting this new team in January 1st, so you're gonna pay them over the month of December to get all trained up. And then ideally if the advertising is dialed in,

which there's a lot about in the course on how to do that, then you get to the point where on January 1st you've got your trained people ready to roll and you can hit the ground running with this new batch of clients. And then now you're in a game where making sure that the jobs are profitable, you're priced correctly and that you're paying people correctly as well because there's a sweet spot there.

You don't want to overpay, you're leaving money on the table. But if you underpay you're gonna be a revolving door, constantly training, constantly training, constantly training. So that's probably the hardest thing I think in the cleaning right now is to go from I'm full, I'm one person, I'm full. How do we double up? Something's gotta give. So you either have to reduce your own pay temporarily knowing that it will double like in the near future if you're able to put people on the team.

Brandon and I have podcast episodes where we recount like the early days of Sandia, Green, Clean. And we had borrowed money from some old bosses to like kind of act as investors and we were paying ourselves nothing for a long time and then we were paying ourselves 500 bucks a month. And then over time we kind of worked ourselves into the salary. So that's not necessarily for everyone.

We built our cleaning company to scale. The goal was to go huge and we knew that the going huge was taking this hit in the beginning. So luckily for us, we both had wives that were employed, you know, in their respective industries and they were able to bring in the income and the health insurance and all that stuff to keep the family going,

you know what I mean? So, but yeah, like the alternative is if you try and maintain the income, I don't see how you could do it without, I don't know when the last time you used raised prices. Like that's an option. You could raise prices right now, keep your income exactly the same if you haven't raised prices in a while and then use the excess from the price increase to then hire the new people and then bonus the new customers that come on are also at those higher prices.

So that is another option. But you do, I mean you have it, you laid it out so clearly Tyler, so you have it laid out in such a way that you understand what you have to do. We need to hire, advertise, and stay afloat. Yep, you gotta do all that. If it's not feasible on the personal finance stuff,

maybe you could dial back the lifestyle a little bit without dropping your income and then start saving that money to build up and then set yourself some milestone. If we pay a cleaner, we'll just get a calculator, we'll just do this for real. If you're paying a cleaner, I don't know, let's call it 15 bucks an hour, they're gonna work,

you know, 40 hours a week and you need to be able to cover them for eight weeks. You need 5,000 bucks, $4,800 plus whatever employer taxes you are. Or if they're 10 99 it's different. But 5,000 bucks covers you for eight weeks of runway training. One person. If you're training three people, it's obviously a little bit different. Also, I'd love to hear more about where you're cleaning and why all the houses are between four and 5,000 square feet and how come no one else is calling you.

I'm really interested in how you got dialed into that neighborhood. Yeah, I just wanna jump in real quick too, like Tyler and Emily, I think you guys are doing awesome. I just talked to Angel, she's on this call too. Angel Houston, she's in a very similar boat. So I'm just gonna tell you guys, and there might be others people on this call or listening to the replay that are in the same boat,

this is a very common issue that comes up when you're starting your cleaning business. And the good news and if you can look at the silver lining of this Tyler, is that you guys already have 15 recurring clients. You're not starting from total scratch angel's in the same boat. She's got like 15 or 20 clients. So you guys are both trying to make that leap to hire a team,

which is scary 'cause you're like, this is how we're surviving right now. So you gotta start thinking more abundantly. You gotta start thinking that once you take the right actions, actually like more customers are gonna solve it all for you. So like if you can hire a team and somehow find a way to immediately increase your customer base, which I've got a few ideas for you,

but outside of just running ads and stuff like that, if you've already got 15 or 20 clients, you have established rapport with them and you have conversations with them and they know you personally, that's a tremendous opportunity with the small customer base to reach out right now. Especially during the holidays when people are maybe being a little more sentimental or thoughtful, reach out,

give 'em a Christmas card, give 'em a handwritten card, stop by, drop off a coffee, drop off something special that you know would mean something to 'em, right? Make an experience out of it and ask them, how's the cleaning going? Tell 'em what you're doing. Say I've got a team we're trying to hire but I need help. We need more houses to clean.

Would you do me a favor? First of all, people love doing favors. When you ask people to do favors, it makes you more likable. As weird as that sounds, people want to help small businesses. So the first thing I would do, Tyler, and I told you this angel yesterday on on our call, is reach out to your existing customers,

create an amazing experience for 'em, ask 'em how the cleaning's going and then ask 'em just verbatim. Just be like, if you're getting such great value outta this and you love the cleaning, who else do you know that would benefit from using our services? Right? And just ask 'em for a referral. They might give you two or three referrals. So immediately you could take your 15 customers and turn it into 30 or 40 or 50 customers really quickly just by leveraging your existing customer base.

Zero marketing, zero advertising. Just make an experience for people if you are and if you, if hopefully you already have been doing that, hopefully the cleaning has already been great for 'em. But do something to go the extra mile to make 'em say, wow, that's incredible, I didn't expect that. And then you're gonna ask a favor and say,

Hey would you mind doing me a favor and like call up two or three of your friends or neighbor family or neighbors like we're trying to grow this business so Tyler and Emily and also Angel and anybody else experiencing this right now. As soon as you do this, you're gonna hire people, you're gonna have, you're in a really good position actually because as opposed to starting from scratch with zero customers,

you have 15 customers, recurring customers, you have a decent schedule already built like a part-time schedule for your teams. So immediately you could hire a team that's gonna get you out of the cleaning. So then you need to go like balls to the wall and just go get those customers, right? Like free up your time from cleaning if Emily, you're not cleaning,

if Angel, you're not cleaning, whoever else, if you're not cleaning 'cause you hired somebody, now you can go get those customers. That's the whole point of getting out of the weeds and working in your business. So you can work on your business now you can actually do the Pareto principle and you can do the 80 20 focused on the things that are actually gonna move your business forward,

which right now is go get those customers. So however you have to do it, it's, I think the easiest way is just leverage your existing customers. Go ask for a favor, go ask for a referral. And that's really the case with all of your customers. If you can take one customer at a time, create one experience, one testimonial at a time,

turn that one customer into five customers organically, that's the best marketing there is. You don't need to do any marketing if you do it that way. So yeah, This is a good way to like tackle it. So instead of if you have 15 customers, it's very small, you can go door to door to 15 people with some kind of holiday gift.

Hey thanks Sabrina a customer, here's what we're trying to do next year we're gonna try and double up hire another team. We could really use some referrals from you. Yep, here's this gift, thank you so much. And then when you reach out to those people, tell 'em this is when we're shooting to have it done, can we put you on the wait list?

Can we get you scheduled? You can talk to so-and-So that referred me, you know to ask them about how it is and then if you wanted to get, if you think that it would work, you know depending on the clientele, you know your clientele better than I do. Maybe you could ask for a deposit like a hundred bucks gets you on the schedule and then that gives you a little bit of runway or whatever it is,

whatever you think is appropriate, give you a little bit of liquid capital to do some things with. I don't think you need to run into the advertising game right away. I think the referrals is the way to go. And then depending on the size of that neighborhood, because you're well known, there's strong word of mouth. You just start with a direct mail targeting that neighborhood.

Make sure your car is looking funky so people can see you in that neighborhood over and over and over again so you're not flying under the radar. So yeah, I think that's a really good idea. We also do like a referral program. So like on top of asking for that referral, tell 'em hey your next clean is free. Every person you send,

every recurring customer, your next clean is free. If they're sending you a $5,000 a year customer and you have to give up a $200 clean, that's still a great return on your investment. So I'm just saying that's the first thing I would do. Even while your teams are out cleaning, if you wanna get more customers in that same neighborhood, like just get super aggressive,

like if you guys aren't cleaning, go walk around to all the houses in that neighborhood, knock on their door, do the same thing, give them a little holiday gift or a little card or something. Say hey our teams are in the neighborhood, we've got an open spot on the schedule today. Like let us showcase our skills, let us show you what we're all about.

Can we do a clean for you? And even if it's a free clean, a discounted clean, hopefully the idea is you'll get some money from it, people wanna sign up. But even if it's just getting out there, getting a review, getting people talking, that's gonna stir up that momentum. So you guys gotta remember that momentum is not caught,

it is created. You have to create that momentum. And so right now you're in a spot where you gotta create momentum, you gotta get out, you gotta get outta the cleaning, hire somebody so you can focus on getting the customers. As soon as you get more customers in the team, everything, everything gets better. Every that solves all the issues you're having.

'cause now you have more customers coming in the door, you can pay for your teams, you can pay for your people. And if you've already got existing customers, that's amazing 'cause you already have revenue coming in the door to start paying them. So Brandon was giving you that example. If you're gonna need $5,000, that's eight weeks of runway. That would be not including any of the money you're already bringing in.

You know what I'm saying? So if you're already bringing in money, just start giving your team some of that money. Free up your time so you can go get the rest of the customers. Simple as that. Wanna know why most cleaning business owners fail or get stuck systems? When you don't have the right systems in place for hiring, training, marketing,

all of the day-to-day essentials, then your business gets jammed. And without the right systems it's impossible to keep moving forward. If you're ready to add smart proven systems to your cleaning business so that you can join the top 1% of cleaning business owners, head over to our free Facebook group now and watch the masterclass pinned to the top of the group. Just search top 1% cleaning business owner club.

Find our faces and watch the free class to learn exactly how we took our business from zero to seven figures in just three years. Andrew's asking, how do we boost our Google ads to get higher in the searches? We have a good number of inactive companies that are above us on listings locally. I think we're crossing wires here. So Google ads, you're paying to be at the top.

So there's a bidding system. Sometimes there's a couple different versions of Google ads. There's like ad sense ad words and local service guaranteed type stuff. So there's lots of different versions of that. So let's make sure we're not confusing. The two Google ads should be getting you up at the top when your keyword's coming up. If it's not your bidding thing is set incorrectly or it's the wrong keyword and you need someone to help tweak that.

There are loads of loads of people available and we have people that we can recommend as well. And then the other half of that thing is search engine optimization, also known as SEO. So search engine optimization is a moving target. It is whack-a-mole that you are playing with an enemy that you can't see and the enemy there is Google. So the idea is you wanna rank higher than their people.

And I think there's a whole, there's a couple modules on this inside the course. So if you haven't watched those, check 'em out. But the idea is put out content. So like we have a recipe for a blog entry that we do. We consistently put out those blogs, those blogs go on social media consistently. There's Google My Business where you can make posts there so the blog posts go there.

Also, the one that was huge, this was like shocking and it's still there, but we went to number one on maps after we added a 360 degree camera of our office. Why would anyone who's wanting to have their house cleaned see the inside of my office? I don't know, I just think it makes people feel better that like this is a real company.

They have desks and computers and stuff. It's not just like a website. So yeah man, like you can go pull it up right now and you can see me standing at a desk downstairs in our office and you just, it's a little 360 thing you can kind of pull it around. So that was big and that's easy. I think there's even a way to do that on an iPhone.

Now back in the day we had to hire a photographer to come out with a special 360 degree camera to do it like a real estate camera. So those are the short ones for SEO ultimately we hired an SEO person and we paid them monthly to do just that. That's it. The whole thing was get us higher on Google. And then the other thing that plays into it is rankings and all of this that I'm telling you,

we have no idea how it's weighted by Google because they don't publish this stuff. There's no way to pay to get to the top outside of the ads. And so really the SEO game is just that and it changes sometimes you'll be at the top and then if you get lazy like cool we got at the top, we can stop posting blogs. You'll be on page two before you know it.

Like this is a thing you gotta keep up with. It's a maintenance issue. Yeah, so Andrew, there's a ton of great stuff in the course. Like the marketing is a huge part of our expertise. So like there's great content in there but I would say if you're talking about like Brandon was saying, there's a couple different areas. There's only two types of traffic online.

There's free traffic organic in the search rankings and then there's paid traffic. So depending on where you're marketing and advertising mainly probably what it is is you, a lot of us set up these accounts, we set up these ads but we don't really know what we're doing 'cause we're not experts. So I would recommend you reach out to our marketing team, they'll do a free consult call with you and they'll actually look at your ad accounts and and look at a bunch of ways to optimize it.

That would be my first recommendation. But otherwise that's kind of the the reason you wanna delegate some of this marketing. Unless you're an expert, unless you're running Facebook ads and Google ads and all this stuff all the time and you're an expert, you probably are gonna mess it up. You're probably not gonna optimize it the right way. I know this for a fact 'cause I used to run all these ads,

I don't do it anymore 'cause it's just such a pain. I would rather delegate that to people that are up and on the changes. They know what's going on and Google makes a change when Facebook makes a change, whatever platform we're doing the exact things that they wanna see to optimize those ads to keep 'em in the right places. So yeah, the biggest thing I would say outside of that is if you guys really want to dominate,

like we were talking in the beginning of this call, try to be as many places you as you can. And this is something that goes back to old school marketing I used to do for local businesses like 10 years ago we would optimize their website, all of their ads, all their placements so they were everywhere. And this is what we do with Sandia,

Green, Clean. So if you guys are like the SEO is a long-term game, it's gonna take you years maybe to get to the front page and get your website up there. But the other things you can work on in the meantime, number one, your local business maps very, very easy to optimize compared to what you know most of your competitors are not gonna take any action.

They're not gonna get a lot of reviews, they're not gonna add images, they're not gonna spend time optimizing it. They're not gonna put a 360 map video on there. So those are all simple things you can do constantly very soon that's gonna raise the top. And then outside of that turn on, AdWords is great, local service ads is great on Google but just the more places,

the more real estate you own, that's how you dominate. When people see your your brand all over the front page of Google, they think wow you guys are the authority. So find a way to optimize your ads so that you're showing up everywhere. You're showing up at the top with local service ads, the maps, the side with AdWords eventually the middle with your organic rankings and then you're kind of unstoppable 'cause everybody associates you with the authority in the market.

Yeah so keep going with that. All right, so John had a win. Chelsea the same page as you ready to dominate in 24. Our pink car that she posted in the Facebook group has been getting great attention. That's awesome. Okay and then speaking of referrals, it's almost as if it's an obligation to book when someone gives us a referral and it's been our experience that referral customers are not always a good fit.

The jobs are often booked sight unseen. And our team actually made some minor mistakes with the referral customer and she freaked out and it's just so happened to be a current client's mother and both ended up canceling. So have you guys ever had bad referrals? Yes. So I mean that's not, just because someone referred to you doesn't mean that it's gonna be a good fit.

You're just trying to, when a recommendation comes from someone that you know, it carries a higher weight with that person than if they went to go out and search it themselves. If they're Searchie for house cleaning, they're gonna have to read the reviews and dig into it and all of of it. But if someone comes to me and says, oh my gosh,

I found this really good dentist, I found this really good house cleaner company, I found this really good plumber. Like whatever it is because you know that person and they told you it just carries a higher weight so they assume it's gonna be awesome. Bad referrals like yeah it happens like they're really nitpicky. Feel free to fire the customer. The other thing too is the job site unseen thing.

I would try and not do that if at all possible. So like the one that we've done typically is a zoom estimate. Like that's the easiest way to do it now. Like just here's a link, click it, open it on your phone and then just walk me around your house and then you can see it's not perfect, it's not foolproof but you can get a better idea of what that house looks like.

So that's what I would work on for the referrals. And then in terms of them canceling man, if you made minor mistakes and both people canceled both of those people were not your customer. That is a terrible person to have trying to you like jump through hoops and satisfy like we're not trying to win everybody over trying to win your narrow market. Who is the perfect customer?

What do I need out of them? And if they're not it, then don't focus on those people. So like them getting upset that you missed a rug or a whatever. Like hey sorry, we'll come out and fix it right away. And then if they cancel sometimes that might just be them looking for an excuse to cancel. Like they're strapped for cash,

they don't not want to admit it, they're embarrassed. So they're just gonna, you're the fall guy man you guys didn't dust my windows, I'm out. This is ridiculous. Like that's not a good customer to have 'cause they're just gonna complain constantly. So in my mind you gotta treat that as that freed up an opportunity for us to get the correct customer in there that we'll do much,

much better. So that's what I would say in terms of referrals. You got anything to add there? Brandon? No man, I think you said it really well. That was that last part I was gonna say but you said it So yeah there you go. And then there was a follow up question from John there which was you spoke last week of skipping an estimate process.

Do you ever book site unseen? Yeah man it happens like we try and book site unseen, you can make some assumptions sometimes like if they're in the neighborhood that we were talking about before with Tyler 4,000, 50, 200 square foot houses, those houses are probably not trashed dirty inside. I'm just playing the odds here. Like they're probably fine and you're replacing some other housekeeper if it's in a neighborhood you've never been to try and go down there,

try and see it in person, try to do the zoom thing. You can ask some questions to try and get some information out of it without being judgemental or revealing. Like hey thanks for calling us like you know you're ready to book. Great. When was the last time it, it's been cleaned. If they say never like ooh, all right well can we come take a look at it and make sure that we're giving you an accurate cost?

No you can't come out look at it. Okay fine. But like just be aware like if it's over this level of whatever grunge that we have mentally, you know, we might have to add on an extra fee without having seen it and then that'll usually let you come see it. So if you don't have any time to see it. Yeah man,

book sight unseen, we've turned down jobs when we got to the door it's like we've turned down jobs when they, we couldn't do an estimate we couldn't fit it in, they said it's fine, it's not that dirty. I remember one specific move out clean which was really, really bad. Like there was petrified dog poop attached to the floor and mice and roaches and poop and like it man it just was really so we just told that guy like,

yo this is not what we thought it was. Our apologies, we're not gonna do this one. And that's in the interest of especially for a onetime clean, don't bend over backwards for a onetime customer. No, you want to keep your employees more than you want to keep that whatever, three, $500 it was that day. You need to get,

make sure your employees are happy, they know that you have their back. I'm not gonna send you into some whatever drug den or something like that, like hoarder house. Like let's make sure that we're good there. So yeah, it happens on the site unseen stuff. Just roll with it, you know like try not to do it too often. Eventually it'll be okay I think.

Yeah, I remember specifically with our first team having a big issue with that and like I thought they were gonna quit. The team was really mad at us 'cause we sent 'em to a house like that and it was like, it was my fault because I didn't get the estimate and we were just like trying to book business and it was really bad. Just like Brandon was saying,

it was nothing like the guy said it was. And the teams had, they were, they started cleaning it and they quit halfway through and just like left. Well They were sending us pictures you know and like yeah oh man you should go like don't stick around. Yeah. And so we started doing, we, we were like at that point we were like we have to do estimates.

I think we've gotten less away from that. 'cause now we, we, what we do is like you said, we just ask more qualifying questions. If you can't do the estimate normally zoom's great but yeah if people aren't answering certain questions or they're not turning on their or sending pictures or whatever it is like kinda gives you an idea like maybe this isn't a good situation.

You can let the team know and just give 'em a heads up. But it seems to work out fine for the most part. Yeah. The Other thing too is if you're gonna turn away business, have somewhere to send them to. So have the biohazard cleanup company or the hoarding cleanup company in town. Make sure that you know those people ideally go talk to the owners,

tell 'em like, Hey I've got stuff to send to you. Maybe you could send me things that aren't as bad as you think. And like I remember we had one where this guy was getting hip surgery, heard the daughter lived outta state and hadn't seen his house in a while. It was really bad. I went in there and I was like,

we can't do this like straight up, I don't know what's in these piles of trash. It smells really bad in here. It smells like urine. So here's this company I recommend calling them and then we can do the normal cleaning after they do like the hoarding, trash removal. And so what ended up happening was she got her brothers and sisters to fly into town.

They rented a dumpster in the driveway and literally just threw everything away. That's how bad it was. And then once they did that, they did like a rough mop scooping up the dog poop and stuff that had piled up all that. And then we came in and cleaned it after the fact and that lady was super happy and then paid for her dad's cleaning every two weeks from out of state after that just so that it wouldn't get to that point.

And we got to be eyes and ears for her to let her know if it looked like he was going off the rails. So have that other company around, they're really handy. I don't want to clean up a, you know, a crime scene where a suicide happened or something like that. Like, but there are people in town that will do that and it is super,

super expensive. And so that's why when I turned down those businesses, they go get a quote from the company, I recommended like $5,000. I'm like, yeah your house is $5,000 dirty. That's how bad you let a kid, that's why we can't clean it. Sorry. And everyone usually responds well to that or at least it's a wake up call for them to be like,

wow, I am, I need a lot of work. Yeah, Diana had an easy one here. Who do you use to run background checks when hiring? Every time we've done background checks, we do it through the payroll company. In the very, very early days we ran, we just, we didn't know what we were doing so we googled background checks,

we ended up running it through a drug testing company and so there was a local drug testing company that would let us run one-off background checks for, I wanna say it was like 75 bucks a piece and that was in 2017. Over time what we learned is we can actually do, do it as part of the onboarding built into the payroll platform that you use.

So assuming you're using a big company to do payroll. So our company right now is Paylocity. In the past we've used Paychex, we had a local one that even had it built in. And then just be aware that not all background checks are created equal. Like they're, sometimes they're gonna run a local one to see if they got in trouble in the town that you're in,

but they're not checking like nationwide. And so just ask the questions and make sure they're dialing in what you want. Typically what we're concerned with are driving things like DUIs or reckless driving stuff. We do a state search for that. And then anything gnarly like felonies, we do a nationwide one for that. And that's just really quick and they cut you a deal,

especially the more that you do. So yeah, just run it through payroll. That's my advice. There's Also a company, I'm trying to find it in the group right now. People have asked this question before Diana, so there's another one if you just search the group background check. I'm trying to find it for you. But there's another company we've referred in the group before that we've used that Claudia and in our office staff have used,

I forget the name of it but we'll find it. But just know there's resources, there's ways outside of payroll to do it as well. And then just one to say to Stanley, great job man. He got your, he just posted, he finished an interview, he's starting a new cleaner on Monday. Stanley was on one of our recent podcasts 'cause he is kicking butt and he is doing awesome and he had a whole bunch of customers lined up,

he had a team and then he lost some of that team. But he is regrouping getting that team back together. So I just wanna say, awesome Stanley, keep, keep up the great work man. Keep getting those teams in place and that's gonna happen. You know, it's not, it's not uncommon at all to lose some Cleaners, especially in the beginning.

But again, this is the reason as you guys get more systems in place, as you cast that bigger vision, like we were talking about at the beginning of this call, as you see more of your teams and they see, know that you see 'em, it's gonna create loyalty. It's gonna create the, the things that kind of the intangible things that you can't see in that culture that's gonna get people to stick around.

And so just keep going. Don't give up. Yeah, I agree. Stan also asked a follow up question, which was, when are we released from the new CRM? I don't have a timeline on that. We're in the final phases of testing to do it in our own company. It's really close. So I think we have, I'm gonna give you guys a little preemptive day here,

but I, I think December 11th on our coaching call in the next two weeks, you guys are gonna be the first people to hear about it and know about it. And I'm working on hopefully getting you guys a better deal with our marketing team since you guys are students. So should be in the next week or two, we'll have, we'll kind of prelaunch that out and show you guys the,

the software, have the marketing team on here to go through it all because it is really cool and it is really helping us consolidate and simplify things and make it easier to follow up on leads and stuff like that. So It, this will help with our customer experience turnover thing. We've always had an issue with customer service. I think customer service is hard no matter what business you're in.

But yeah, I think in our case we made it unnecessarily hard by using all these different software platforms that everyone has to monitor. This is kind of consolidating all of it into one spot. So we'll have more info for you there., you put that in there, but yeah, that's for Dan. I did, yeah is the first thing that comes up on Google when I Googled hiring background check and I remember we talked about that last time.

So that's a one-off if you need background checks with no second E, but definitely do background checks guys because bad stuff happens when you don't know who you're working with. Alright, Lisa asked, have you guys ever used a DP and what are your thoughts? We did a demo with a DP. So here's our history with payroll. We started with Paychex.

I don't know, I wa I wasn't happy with them. They were a very big corporation. I don't feel like we were getting listened to. We switched to a local company, which was awesome. They were teeny tiny local company. They were great. And then they got bought by Paychex and I was so pissed. So then we went out looking and so we did a,

we did work with Paychex for a while, I still don't like them. And then we did do a demo with a DP. All payroll companies should basically be the same. They're gonna offer you a bunch of things. So what you need to focus on is the cost and does it work for what I need to do. One of the reasons I didn't like Paychex was that if there was a mistake on payroll,

they charged us to run a second payroll to fix it. Paylocity the one that we ended up with, which is another national company like EDP. They charged us a flat monthly fee based on headcount. We can run payroll as many times as we want. The reason I didn't like a DP, they were compelling and they were priced correctly, their platform that you had to use.

And it's probably changed since then. But the platform at the time looked old man you're, I'm talking to millennials and Gen Z kids trying to get 'em to run payroll and they're looking at something that looked like, you know, windows 95. And so they just were not, that tells me they're not spending effort internally to develop this platform. They're just letting it sit and kind of fester.

Paychex had a much better looking platform but I just didn't like the result. Paylocity is fine, it's in between, but the nice thing about Paylocity is that it gets updated over time. And I liked the pricing of Paylocity in particular. And then one of the other things I liked about Paylocity and a DP and Paychex should be able to do this too,

but we got a time clock from them that's in the office. It's a tablet mounted on a wall and when people clock in and clock out, it's already in the system. We're not transferring from a clock to a software, it just, it's attached to the person as they do it. So it's good to use. So Tyler said he uses it,

so hit him up on Facebook and he says it's easy to use so you can ask him. I personally like Paylocity, I think they've been really good to us and I think it works out pretty nicely. All right, so angel's got one here that's interesting. So one of my clients has several little dogs and upon arrival their house always has a strong urine and smell and the floors are sticky.

So besides that, the home is kept in an easy clean, how should I handle this? I have considered dropping her or offering her weekly Keens to keep up with the dogs. I just don't want to offend her. I hear you that you don't want to offend her. What we have is we have this little note that we leave if someone's pet left something on the floor and it just says like,

Hey, we really wanted to clean all of your house, but we don't, we don't do this. And so that's a promise to our employees. Like the employees came to work to sweep dust, vacuum, vacuum mop. That's what they came for. They didn't come to pick up dirty diapers, they didn't come to pick up pet poop. And if it smells like urine,

then the entire time the team's in there. That sucks, man dog pee is a very funky smell and it just tells me that they're not taking care of it. So you could suggest weekly, that just means you're exposing the team to the urine more often. Ideally you're keeping up with, could I get that? But I mean I would drop her personally,

but I would say have this conversation like listen, we've noticed this issue with your dogs. Maybe she's completely unaware of it. Like some people go nose blind to some things, they just gloss it over. I would be shocked. But it's possible. So you could approach it from that angle. Hey client, we really want to keep cleaning your house.

But the teams have consistently complained about the smell of urine, you know, from the dogs and the floors are sticky. So we could either offer you weekly cleanings to keep up with the dogs a little bit more, but otherwise I think we need to cancel. We just can't be exposing the employees to that type of stuff. And yeah, they might get mad,

they might leave you a one star review. I would say them leaving a one star review is the best case scenario because then you get to publicly reply. They're not gonna mention in the one star review that my house smells like dog pee. But you can, you can say, hey we had to cancel because there was this odor issue with the pets that we couldn't come to an agreement on and that's why we can't work with you.

And all that shows to other prospective customers and even prospective employees is that you care, you're tracking, you're staying on top of this and not exposing your employees to bad stuff, but also that you're not taking every customer, it gives you an error of scarcity, an error of exclusivity. So yeah, keep, I wouldn't be doing that to the employees and we've fired customers for that before.

We've had customers get really mad when we left the note like they didn't clean up the dog poop. Like nope, we don't do that. Sorry. Like make sure your dog is let out on a schedule or better yet, like keep your dogs in a crate before we get there and everything will be fine. Yeah, you really have to like train your customers on certain things like that and train them what on the expectations.

And that should be something you tell 'em upfront in the estimate. But Angel, I would say go, there's a bunch of them in the course, a bunch of leave behind cards that we have for the marketing or I forget what part of the course it's in. But everything from we broke something to we can't pick up the dog poop to whatever else is happened that we can't touch.

And actually most people actually really appreciate the fact that we do that because first of all, most companies don't say anything, they just like leave it there or they broke something and they like tuck it behind the thing and nobody knows what happened until later, which is a really bad experience. So instead be direct, be direct with your communication. Leave the card.

So when we, when the teams leave that card, they also notify the office and then the office reaches out right away with an email or a phone call and says Hey the team's found dog poop or whatever. Like sorry, they can't clean that up. Like most people appreciate that. So you just need to like be upfront with people and like Brandon said,

you might have have to fire a certain customers 'cause in the end it's worth keeping your teams a much more important asset overall than the customers you can go get a better customer, a customer that's not gonna have that issue. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, so Lacey, you had a follow up there. You're looking at other options other than a DP including using your accountant accounts are great and usually cheap and they know all the stuff.

The problem is if you get bigger, if you scale, your accountant's not, they're not gonna have the stuff that you need in there. The reason the Paylocity in a DP and Paychex and all those guys are awesome is that man, there's this repository of history. You can see when people's pay raises happen, you can run reports, there's onboarding. That's one of the reasons we like Paylocity a lot is they have this onboarding packet that they built for us in Spanish.

So when we hire an employee, we send them a link before their first day at work, they can fill out their I nine, their W four, they can upload documents, they can tell us their direct deposit information and no one had to do anything. We don't have to enter any data. If they plugged in a bank account number day one,

your direct deposit's already in the system, it's already there and your accountant is not gonna be able to keep up with that stuff. So I don't wanna knock your accountant, I sure your account's awesome, but there's gonna be a feature set that your accountant just does not have. So that's one thing to keep in mind. Yeah, Just one thing. One other thing that I wanted to just mention to Tyler's post earlier in the position you guys are in,

you got customers but you need to hire, but how are you gonna do it? Because the houses you said were like 5,000 square feet, 4,000 square feet, which we're still waiting to hear at Tyler, how are you getting so many houses that weren't 5,000 square feet? But no, He said that. He said, Oh, did he say it?

He gave Us that information. All he said was we have very strong word of mouth in a very high end neighborhood. Got it, got it. That's great man. You got, that's like an organic buildup and they are telling their neighbors that you guys are awesome. So that's fantastic. Yeah, that is really great. And but what I wanted to say was even if those houses are bigger and they're taking you like normally solo cleaner is gonna take all day long to clean that big house.

However, this is why you want to get some a team in place because that's a bad experience, right? If it's taken all day to clean a house, if that customer is working from home, if they have kids, if they have a life at all and they're coming in and outta their house during the day, people like their privacy, they like their space,

it's their sanctuary, right? So the less time you're gonna spend in those houses, it's gonna be a much better customer experience. So when you have a team of two or three, now you can go through those houses like twice as fast, three times as fast. So what used to be a five hour clean is now a two hour clean, right?

And so now you're in and outta that house. So instead of what took a whole day to clean the house, now you can clean three or four or five houses in a day. With those huge houses it might be a little bit less, but still the idea is you can do more volume. And again, Tyler and Emily and anybody who's in this position,

that should be your focus is get a team in place. If you already have customers, great, now you have momentum. Now you can give that to your team. And now instead of doing one house a day with the solo cleaner or just doing it yourself now you can do three houses a day and it frees up your time to go get those customers.

So again, it's gonna speed everything up. The faster you guys get that going and just start taking action, that's what's gonna create that momentum. That's what's gonna create more customers filling up that team. I think the hardest part of this business is getting going, like getting that momentum. But we always talk about it, it's like a steamroll, it's like it's steam engine.

Like once you get it over that hill, you get like that first team, that first team or two, it just starts picking up and then you just can't stop it. 'cause then it's like people are like, oh you guys do cleaning and then like referrals coming out everywhere and just like you turn on some ads or whatever else, you've got some reviews now it's gonna hit a breaking point,

a tipping point. So you just gotta keep pushing until you get to that point and just know it's gonna get better When you hire people. That's the best way you could do it. The longer you stay cleaning and doing the stuff in the business, the longer you're gonna stay stagnant and spinning your wheels and not growing as scary as it is, it's gonna be the best thing you ever did is hiring people,

getting the team in place, empowering them with the system and training and let them do the cleaning so you can focus on the customer experience so you can focus on getting more customers. That's how you're gonna grow. There you go. Go get, go. Take some action guys and keep doing it. Yep. So I mean that's the hour right there.

You were talking at the beginning, I was in the kitchen making tea, but you were talking about adding another call. Oh yeah, I was just thinking, we've had quite a few students ask us like I know there's way more of you guys in the group than show up on these calls. So we were just gonna propose like maybe post it in the group,

but Brandon and I have to figure out a time, but I know a lot of us work long days, so I'm like, maybe there's a day once in a while, maybe once a month we can do like a later call or maybe even after the kids go to bed one night, I don't know. But I'm just saying we can make a funner like nighttime call just to get more people on the call.

So Brandon and I are gonna talk about that, but if that's something you guys would be interested in so that more of you can make it on those calls, let us know. But this time obviously works great for us, but we wanna also make it more available to you guys. You gotta make a Facebook poll or something. Try and figure that out.

Yeah, so we'll make like a Facebook poll. But yeah, there's a couple ideas there just to, to make it more usable, more easy for you guys to get on these calls so that you guys can get the most value possible. So yeah, keep that in mind. And then yeah, keep a lookout. We've got some really cool things coming up in the,

in the next couple, few weeks guys. We've got launching the marketing software, the CRM, we want you guys to be part of that and show you that and show you that, how that can change your business. We've also got some other special guests coming up in the future, so keep showing up to these college guys. The knowledge, the value you're gonna get from,

it's gonna help transform your business. Literally, that's what's separating you from where you wanna be is just knowledge, experience, taking the action to get there. So keep taking action, keep showing up, stay committed, don't give up guys. And that's what's gonna put you guys out out ahead and help you dominate for 2024. So I think that's a great way to,

to cap it off. Yeah, John, you guys are welcome. Thank you guys for all being here today. Hold the trigger, Tyler. That's right. Action's gonna solve it all. So just keep taking action. Create that momentum guys. That's what it's all about. All right guys, well Brandon, you have anything else left to to say on the call today?

Keep it clean. Keep it clean, guys, have a great rest of your week. Thanks for joining us today. To get more info, including show notes, updates, trainings, and super cool free stuff, head over to Profit Cleaners dot com and remember, keep it clean.

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